Individualized Physical & Occupational Therapy
Same Day Appointments Usually Available
Locations in Fairhope and Foley
9890 Twin Beech Road
Fairhope, Alabama 36532
Tel: 251-928-7312
Fax: 251-928-8316
21040 Miflin Road, Suite One
Foley, Alabama 36536
Tel: 251-923-0888
Fax: 251-923-0889
Physical Therapy
Specialized plans focused on pain free solutions leading to a high quality of life.
Certified Hand Therapy
Occupational Therapy specializing in treatment of the upper extremities.
Treating injuries so that clients can quickly and safely return to their industrial workplace.
Better Health Starts Here
Flexible appointments available
Or call
Fairhope: 251.928.7312
Foley: 251.923.0888